Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A familiar enemy visits our table

The devil appeared for a brief moment while the InterVarsity guys were tabling this Tuesday. This daylight sighting was a shock to many spiritually naive onlookers, but to faithful Christians, well, we almost expect to have the devil harass us when doing the Lord's work, bearing the wounds of the enemy’s fiery arrows like crowns of heavenly honor.
He felt quite discouraged by our pious presence there, as seen in this photo taken by Miss Nguyen, and resorting to puffing himself up in his proverbial fashion, he made futile attempts to scare us away.
Undaunted, Colin led the faithful few in the Lord's Prayer as Andy and I knelt beseeching our Heavenly Father for strength. The enemy realized once again that the victory had already been won long ago on Calvary's hill, and he let out a shrill snort of defeat as angels began to smite him with lightning bolts from Heaven's pearly gates.
In a recent prayer meeting it was revealed that because of the devil’s personal preference for ASU, for convenience he has compelled his angels to tow the depths of Sheol closer to Tempe than anywhere on this rocky orb. (The heat here obviously attests to this fact as the earth’s crust beneath the city thins for more rapid soul descent during the mid-year months).
As Heaven’s punishment struck the area around the MU, the earth trembled, and opened up as crowds of sinners were carried alive down to Sheol right through the hair-thin crust that often separates the Tempe campus from that fiery inferno.
Suddenly the earth was still, and the ground had closed up. The sound of a mall preacher on the corner startled us as his voice had grown louder and more shrill. We glanced over at him, and when we looked back, the devil had strangely disappeared, but I had a feeling that he had not gone far.