ASUIV’s Project Mayhem: A Story of Soap
The concept for what is today known to members of the Fellowship by the code name "Project Mayhem" was conceived in March of 2006 during spring break.
It was a question of problem solving. We needed to gather people together during the summer and we needed to meet new people and mix things up in the next school year – all with minimal funding. There were, of course, the usual promotional items, but what do students really need? How can we help? The question was swirling in our collective minds until one day the soap in the shower ran out. The need was soap. We could probably learn how to make soap. It could be a great summer project. We could make a batch or two and give it away. It seemed like a good fit for the Fellowship, so we decided to proceed with the plan.
Upon returning to ASU after the break, a search in the Tempe Public Library catalog yielded a veritable bonanza of books on the subject of soap making. We read all of them and prolifically took notes. Search engines also showed thousands of web pages on the subject. A test batch proved that the idea was feasible. At the outset we had some issues with obtaining quality sodium hydroxide but finally a pure sample was procured.